Mega-cities boom for hotels

Mega-cities boom for hotels
By admin

Mega-cities are a boon for hotels with room rates continuing to grow in the first six months of 2014, the latest hotel survey from Hogg Robinson Group (HRG) says.

Out of the top 50 cities, 31 saw an increase in local Average Room Rate (ARR).

Occupancy in key business destinations remains at record levels and is continuing to grow, highlighting the increasing importance of mega-cities over regional trends.

Regional performance continues to be less important compared to mega-city performance.

“Our Interim Hotel Survey highlights once again that Megacities are continuing to lead the way, resulting in regional trends becoming increasingly less meaningful,” HRG global hotel director Margaret Bowler said.

The balance between price, location, quality and availability will drive the market throughout 2014 and that continues to be the case; however there are still opportunities for clients to secure savings if they are open minded, Bowler said. 

The full HRG Interim Hotel Survey is available here.

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