5 Employment Options to Consider While Travelling Through Australia

5 Employment Options to Consider While Travelling Through Australia

Fruit picking and bar work are the two main employment avenues that many choose to follow when travelling through Australia on a gap year.

However, as many will attest, these jobs are often low paid and aren’t really something that travellers enjoy – they’re more something that has to be done in order to pay for accommodation and flights.

If fruit picking and bar work don’t appeal to you, consider one of the following employment options instead.

1. Trading Forex

Currency trading on the forex market is something that anyone with a laptop and access to the internet can do.  It’s super easy to get set up online, and you can choose to trade at any time that suits you.

It’s best to start out by trading with your native currency and the US dollar.  However, you can basically trade any currencies that you feel comfortable with.

Keep an eye on the news and the political events happening in the currencies of your choice in order to trade successfully.

2. Freelance Writing

Many people who travel around Australia choose to set up their own travel blog so that they can share their experiences with loved ones back at home.

If you have a bit of a knack for writing, you might want to also consider writing in a freelance capacity.  Platforms like Upwork and Freelancer.com advertise lots of jobs for freelance writers, and you can work as and when you need the money.

Again, all you need to get started is a laptop and an internet connection.

3. Au Pair

People all over the globe need help taking care of their kids.  And, many parents look for people from other cultures to help them do this.  Not only do you get a fun job and some easy(ish) pay, but the family you are staying with will be able to learn more about your culture.

This job doesn’t require a whole lot of experience, but those with childcare qualifications will be more in demand and be able to ask for a higher rate of pay.

4. Hostel Worker

Many backpacker hostels have jobs available for those who are staying in them.  Some offer a room and board if you agree to do a few shifts on reception for them, while others will pay you in cash.

This is a great choice of job, especially if you like meeting new people, however it is something that is well sought after so you might want to line this type of job up in advance.

5. Harvesting

If you are visiting Australia during harvest time, and don’t mind a bit of back breaking work, getting a job harvesting on a farm could be an ideal job.  It might not be well paid, but you’ll be getting a great workout every day, and you’ll be able to meet lots of other travellers at the same time.

Plus, as harvesting is a seasonal job, you will have an end date, and this is often all the motivation a backpacker needs to finish the job.

Whether you are interested in trading currency, freelance writing, harvesting, manning the reception of your hostel, or helping a family out as an au pair, Australia has tons of great jobs available.

You’re sure to find something you enjoy doing!

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