These are the cheapest and most expensive countries for car rentals

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The price of renting a car can fluctuate in a big way depending on where you are, but did you know that you can end up paying 29 times more in some countries?!

There are many things at play here, including availability, safety and tax, but how can you easily weigh up whether its worth it for your clients to rent a car over using public transport?

Luckily, ChooseMyCar has analysed the cost per week of car hire in 100 countries around the world to reveal the cheapest and most expensive places to rent a car.

The most expensive was Cambodia at $1,734.68 on average, which ChooseMyCar indicates could be due to availability, with no mid-to-small-sized cars available in Phnom Penh. The second most expensive is Ghana at $1,731.75 followed by Benin at $1,633.46, Burkina Faso at $1,604.21 and Angola at $1,290.82.

By contrast, the cheapest place to rent a car is Montenegro, where it is only $59.40 per week, followed by Serbia where it is $82.39, Croatia at $107.47, Bosnia and Herzegovina at $113.32 and Guatemala at $157.03.

Australia ranks at number 74 with a week’s worth of car hire costing $715.94.

To see the full list, go here.

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