Midweek Interview with The Library’s Kasemtham Sornsong

Midweek Interview with The Library’s Kasemtham Sornsong

This week, we speak to Kasemtham Sornsong, the Managing Director of The Library Koh Samui, about attention spans and naughty pranks.

The challenge for the industry is…

Staying relevant in our rapidly changing, 8-second-attention-span world.

The things I like about my job…

Are all the new stuff I get to create. Usually on a daily basis!

And the frustrations are…

Politics. The office variety can also be cruel at times.

If I didn’t work in travel I would be…

A university professor. In business school, perhaps.

Favourite airline?

Thai Airways. 2 reasons: a sense of national pride, for one; warm hospitality, the other. Ok, there’s also the matter of the miles I’ve accummulated.

I feel proud…

Whenever I see my staff grow and become successful in their careers. It doesn’t really matter if they’re still with me or not. I’ll be proud of them either way.

The naughtiest thing I ever did was…

Sending 10 boxes of pizza over to a friend’s house. Unsolicited. Cash on delivery.

I try to relax by…

Falling into the rabbit hole that is Pinterest with a cold bottle of beer in hand.

The last time I feared for my life was…

4 hours trapped inside a plane with a massive oil leak, and an advisory that moving about may well blow us all up.

If I can, I always try to avoid…

Negativity. Life is too short to be anything but happy.

I really wish I had…

Learned to play the guitar. Classical, of course.

The best advice I’ve ever received was…

To not dwell too much on things, and that it’s perfectly alright to just let things be (sometimes).

I don’t understand why people…

Like EDM. That includes electro, house, techno, rave and all its ilk. Yes, I am looking at you, dubstep.

My greatest weakness is…

Getting too caught up with details. Evidently I have trouble following the best advice I’ve ever received (see above).

And my greatest strength is…

My stubborn attention to details. Thus, the impasse.

If I won a $1 million lottery (aside from travelling), I would…

Save some, then spend the rest on my family, get all the expensive toys I never had as a child, and travel the world. Sorry, I have to cheat there a bit.

If I was prime minister I would…

Build safe bicycle lanes across Thailand. The operative word there is “safe”.

If I could be someone else for one day I would be a…

An astronaut in the International Space Station with the blue earth on my window.

I’ve always wanted to travel to…

India. Seriously, I don’t know what’s keeping me. It’s visually diverse, and it looks amazing.

My favourite holiday was…

Generally the one I had last.

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