What does the ‘dream holiday’ look like when created by children?

Child Girl Drawing Picture Outdoors in Summer

Skiing atop white chocolate mountains and staying in donut hotels are at the top of the list when it comes to designing a ‘dream holiday’ for this group of creative kiddies.

Who said designing a holiday had to be a headache?

When allowed to let their imaginations run wild, a group of year five students from Essex, Britain came up with a few amazing holiday concepts, including:

  • The Underwater Paradise Hotel, where you can swim with mermaids and fruit spawns randomly, so you always have plenty to eat. Most importantly, if you show up on Mondays, you have the chance to clean up rubbish and plastic to save the ocean for an eco-conscious holiday
  • A Fish Submarine, which comes with easy access to riding dolphins, a kid’s club made to look like coral, and a portal directly to the nearest pineapple accommodation
  • The Mount Everest Expedition, a holiday that features Mount Everest and a sea conveniently adjacent to it, along with a  flying pig to take you to a cloud restaurant. Which has a sky-diving board
  • The Donut Hotel, or Donutel, which is partly submerged beneath the waves and made up of three structures joined by ziplines. The fish who play football underwater are a must-see; and
  • Pirate Island, where it’s hard to say whether the fire-breathing dragon, crashing asteroid, pirate ship, or three volcanoes are likely to destroy the area first. Definitely not a relaxing holiday, this experience is for the adrenaline junkies.

Following on from the drawings, lastminute.com recreated some of the illustrations in 3D to see what they would look like in real life (or as close to real-life as pink, fluffy clouds that spell out “Hi!” can come).

Here are three fantabulous designs:

The Donutel by Sophie H

Artist: Sophie H, 10.

Artist: Sophie H, 10. Render: lastminute.com

Sophie H,10, the creator of this donut themed holiday said, “my inspiration was donuts because I do love donuts. I love how I had donuts and then a room with ladders climbing up to it.”

The Underwater Paradise Hotel by Poppy J

“The thing that makes my holiday special is that it is giving an important message to dumping rubbish and plastic into the oceans as it is killing wildlife in there, and it needs to stop. So I created a holiday based on the situation, and hopefully one day all creatures in the sea won’t be poisoned by plastic and rubbish,” Poppy J, 10, said.

Artist: Poppy J, 10. Render: lastminute.com

“The thing that makes my holiday special is that it is giving an important message to dumping rubbish and plastic into the oceans as it is killing wildlife in there, and it needs to stop.

“So I created a holiday based on the situation, and hopefully one day all creatures in the sea won’t be poisoned by plastic and rubbish,” Poppy J, 10, said.

Pirate Island by Daniel B

Artist: Daniel B, 10. Render: lastminute.com

Artist: Daniel B, 10. Render: lastminute.com

Daniel B, 10 said, “the special thing about my holiday was my drawing pad, because my talent was drawing and I did my best work on it. I also did my best work on the little boat because ancient boats are very cool.”

To see the full series of drawings and 3D designs, visit lastminute.com.

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