Taking the perfect holiday selfie

Taking the perfect holiday selfie
By admin

With the word ‘selfie’ making into the Oxford Dictionary and holiday selfies a rapidly growing trend, I think it’s about time we addressed the topic.

Over a million selfies are taken every day, with 30% of them taken by people aged 18 to 24.

Some people view the practice of taking selfies as an act of narcissism, but we’ve got ways to prove these people wrong, and give them a reason to care about your shot.

Holiday selfies are the superior counterpart to everyday selfies, and are the exception to the narcissistic rule. When your photo has the Eiffel Tower peeking over your shoulder, you know you’ve got a winner.

When snapping a self-portrait, consider the composition of your photo. Use the rule of thirds to get your positioning on point, and use symmetry, or lack of, to make your picture more engaging.

The crop tool is your new best friend when grabbing a holiday selfie, as you can exclude all the odd tourists in the background and focus on you excitedly holding up your plane ticket.

Good lighting is also essential, and while it’s easy to filter out the flaws, aim to take your photo with the light in front of you rather than behind.

Angling your camera up around 10% is another secret to taking the perfect selfie, as it highlights your cheekbones and removes any double chins you think you may have.

Since the rise of the selfie, smart phone apps have been going crazy to offer you better ways of taking your own photo.

ProCamera is an app that enhances the exposure and focus of your shot, while Frontback is an app that takes a photo with both front and back cameras, showcasing the view and the reaction you had to it.

The final step to taking the perfect selfie is to share it, and watch all those ‘likes’ stack up. Facebook receives 48% of all selfie shares, while Twitter and Instagram collect 9% and 8% respectively.

Whether you’re sitting in front of the Trevi Fountain or pretend-leaning against the Tower of Pisa, selfies are the best way to capture a holiday memory.

And when you’ve snapped the perfect shot and filtered accordingly, send it flying down your news feed to make sure every one of your friends can see what fun things you’re doing, and how good you look doing it.

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