IATA warns against fraudsters

IATA warns against fraudsters
By admin

IATA has issued fresh warnings to the travel industry to remain vigilant against scams following a resurgence in fraudulent activity said to have caused substantial out of pocket funds for some companies.

According to the industry body, individuals have been impersonating IATA staff or purporting to act for IATA via email and phone using IATA’s logo and name, resulting in some companies falling victim to “fraudulent attacks” and transferring substantial amounts of funds into fraudulent bank accounts.

IATA is now attempting to educate members of the air transport industry on possible fraud techniques and include:

–          The fraudsters contact users by email or telephone, under false names, sometimes using similar or identical names as those of IATA officials, seeking payment for products or services and/or claiming payments for outstanding amounts due.

–          The fraudsters use an email address resembling IATA email addresses but using different domains such as '@gmail.com' or '@iata-receivable.org'.

–          The fraudsters spoof the '@iata.org' email domain by using addresses such as 'accounts@iata.org'. Generally, such emails include different reply-to addresses.

–          The fraudsters may also use forged documents bearing the IATA logo or include links in the email to a fake website.

Full details are available here: http://www.iata.org/Documents/fraudulent-emails-warning.pdf


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